Rab’e Rashidi (Etymology)

Having had a great impact on the promotion of human culture and civilization, Rab’e Rashidi, based on the works of historians and the endowment of its founder, Khajeh Rashid al-Din Fazlullah Hamedani, has remained as a monument as the oldest university town in Iran and the center of Islamic and human sciences and technologies in the Middle Ages and as a unique model of management system in all aspects of Islamic and human sciences.

This university town in its era (the eighth century AH) was the largest scientific, educational and cultural complex, and was established in the east of Tabriz with the efforts of its founder and attracted scientists, scholars, distinguished physicians, skilled artists, mystics and experts from all over the vast country of Iran and the world to become a great and unique university town of its kind and undoubtedly human culture and civilization in the fourteenth century has been indebted to this university center.

In order to revive and preserve the scientific and cultural heritage of the country, the name of the special science and technology region of East Azerbaijan, was determined as Rab’e Rashidi.


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